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This blog is explicitly not about showing someone a better way to parent, to judge other people’s choices or to create any pressure on other parents. This blog is also deliberately not about complaining or showing off.


I am very aware that any opinion concerning parenting is controversial by nature and there are people eager to tell any parent they do things wrong no matter what they are doing.

This blog is about our family model and about the decisions that are working for our family and our children. 

I am in no way keen to tell anyone what to do with their families, children or jobs. I don’t want to build any pressure for anyone and do not intend to convince anyone on right or wrong ways to parent.

No matter if you decide to return to work directly after delivery or to stay at home for a decade, no matter how you feel about breast feeding and formula, slings and baby carriages, daycares, schools, languages, media usage, plastic toys and added sugar in toddlers’ diet – it is not my business. As long as children are loved, neither neglected or mistreated, I do not care.

On the other hand, my life is too busy to discuss my own parenting decisions, so I am kindly asking to keep your parenting opinions.


I am also very aware how fortunate and privileged we are to be able to build our lives like this. We have paid parental leave that can be shared, we have employers that accept our wish to decrease working hours, we have meaningful jobs we like, our children are healthy and have two parents, we are financially and physically well. There is peaceful sky over our heads and we live in a functioning society. We are privileged in so many ways.